The tandem solar cell is based on a perovskite top cell treated with an additive known as 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylphosphonic acid (pFBPA), which reportedly improves its power conversion efficiency and fill factor. The tandem device also integrates a bottom heterojunction silicon cell made with a 190-μm-thick, 2 Ω.cm, n-type, float-zone, shiny-etched monocrystalline wafer.
Researchers have developed a thermal regulation strategy to improve the performance of inverted tin-lead perovskite tech for all-perovskite tandem solar cells. It has an efficiency of 23.4% and contributed to a 27.2% efficiency in a tandem cell while ensuring stability.
The researchers say the cell has a top perovskite cell with a transparent back contact made of indium zinc oxide and a commercially established cadmium telluride bottom device. They claim the champion tandem cell has the potential to reach a 30% efficiency.
Developed through bandgap engineering and material design, the proposed PV device relies on a tin-based perovskite material known as CsSnI3-xBrx. It can reportedly be further designed to achieve power conversion efficiencies exceeding 24%.
Indian scientists have designed an off-grid power system that relies on solar panels, lithium-ion batteries and Ćuk converters. The converters are the crucial components that enable the system to deal with varying input voltage due to changing sunlight conditions.
Tests conducted by Canadian researchers at the NREL’s testing field in Colorado have shown that ground reflectors based on high-density polyethylene can significantly increase bifacial PV plant performance. They stressed the profitability of this technology is strictly dependent on the location and warned avoiding to combine it with inverter clipping.
The Chinese module manufacturer said the new efficiency record was confirmed by Germany’s Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH).
The modules are equipped with Maxeon solar cells and a microprism sheet that reportedly upholds a transmittance exceeding 99%. The microprism array is imprinted onto a PET sheet using the roll-to- roll embossing technique.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) says that global solar cell and module manufacturing capacity grew by around 550 GW in 2023. It reports that around 80% of the global PV manufacturing industry is currently concentrated in China, while India and the United States each hold a 5% share. Europe accounts for a mere 1%.
The new cell category includes perovskite/silicon, perovskite/CIGS, III-V/silicon and perovskite/organic tandem PV devices. It will list the absolute record efficiency for all-perovskite, two-terminal tandems regardless of the number of junctions.
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