The solar tree—costing around Rs 3 lakh for 3 kW capacity—auto tracks the sun to generate 10-15% extra power.
Gujarat’s total installed solar capacity has crossed the 2.6 GW mark, according to the latest data released by the Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA).
The cost of solar power generation in India has fallen to half the level seen in many other markets in the region due to extensive solar resource, market scale and competition.
RK Singh told the upper house of the Indian parliament yesterday the nation had added 780 MW of new generation capacity in the last two years. The share of renewables in India’s power mix is rising too, but not fast enough to ensure electricity supply for all.
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu were the top five states by annual installation, accounting for 60% of the new capacity.
Up to Rs7 lakh of funding assistance per megawatt will be available to developers who deploy PV capacity for consumption by public entities. The energy produced will be supplied with a Rs3.50/kWh ceiling tariff and projects will be subject to strict domestic content requirements.
Under an MoU signed with Solar Energy Corporation of India, grid-connected rooftop solar systems totaling 3-4 MW capacity will be installed on more than 200 police establishments across the capital.
Analysis of the solar pumping programs being rolled out across five states backs claim switching irrigation systems to PV could give the nation a huge leg-up towards its renewable energy ambition.
The country has so far achieved around 80 GW of installed renewable energy capacity in chasing “175 GW by 2022” target. De-dieselisation of farms and railways ranks high on the Modi government’s priority list to push solar adoption.
The power minister’s proposal would be a step in the right direction towards meeting the 40 GW rooftop solar target, as it removes a financing hurdle for small and medium enterprises.
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