The New Delhi-based developer posted a Rs136 crore loss from October to the end of December but has managed to shift current liabilities into the long grass as it aims to continue on an expansionist trail, backed by the Canadian pension fund which holds almost half its shares.
The 150 KW rooftop solar plant in Daman will cover an area of 1858 square metre (20,000 square feet) and generate 210,000 units of electricity per annum.
Capacity additions for the current fiscal year are set to exceed the previous accounting period’s 8,532 MW. With Rs405 billion invested in clean energy in the last fiscal year, spending in the first nine months of 2019-20 has been estimated at Rs367 billion.
Compliance to revised IEC standards allows the ATUM roof with integrated solar panels to chart markets in over 50 countries.
The developer won 9 MW under RESCO mode. Other major winners include SunSource with 8 MW, Ampsolar and Varp (5 MW each), and Hero Future and HFM Solar Power (4.075 MW each).
South Central Railway’s Nandyal-Yerraguntla section in Guntakal Division has been declared as the first solar section in India that has all of its stations in one stretch powered by solar panels.
Norwegian analyst Rystad Energy has predicted the stop on PV tenders in Karnataka will see Rajasthan become India’s leading solar state this year. The market research firm expects India to add only 10 GW new solar in 2020, however, and the same figure in 2021.
The annual global outlook report for solar published by IHS Markit notes there was no real uptick in the amount of new capacity added last year, compared with the returns seen in 2018. That is likely to kill any hope India has of overtaking the U.S. as the world’s second biggest solar market in 2020.
While openers like SRISTI scheme for rooftop solar and KUSUM for farmland solar are likely to give a promising start, their implementation on the ground will determine our winning trajectory this year. Simply going by the connotation of 6 balls an over in the game of Cricket, this article looks at 6 factors that will push India to achieve its 2022 solar target.
Tariff ceiling is fixed at Rs 3.91/KWh for the project work that is estimated to cost Rs 215 million and has to be completed within 12 months. Bidding closes on January 21.
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