India’s Prime Minister kick started the first Assembly of the ISA, the second IORA Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting, and the 2nd Global RE-Invest yesterday in Greater Noida. The agenda of the day? Universal access to solar energy at affordable rates; securing 40% of India’s electricity generation from non-fossil fuels by 2030, and allocating up to US$80 billion to boost domestic PV manufacturing.
Though lauded at times as a water-saving technology, PV’s concentration in arid and remote regions, in conjunction with inefficient cleaning methods, can exacerbate water scarcity and prompt rising water tariffs for plant operators, according to a new report on Indian PV installations, published by analysts Bridge to India.
India’s much-hyped 10 GW solar auction has hit another roadblock. The state-run Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)’s tender bids for 10 GW of ISTS-connected solar PV power projects linked with 3 GW (per annum) solar man-ufacturing capacity, has now been extended to October 12.
DNV GL has issued its annual Energy Transition Outlook. It reports that global electricity demand is set to grow by a factor of 2.5. Over half of this demand is expected to be met with renewable energy by 2050, while storage will play a key role. It adds that grid infrastructure expenditures are less related to variable renewable energy assets than to increasing energy demand. In the current scenario, meanwhile, global warming is likely to reach 2.6°C.
The state government is proposing a range of incentives and mandates to drive PV and solar thermal installations to almost 9 GW within four years. Under the proposed policy, 10% of the public fleet would be replaced by electric vehicles.
pv magazine’s Quality Roundtable at the 2018 Renewable Energy India (REI) Expo, took place in front of a packed audience. It discussed current problem areas; how solar developers and solution providers can improve the quality of Indian solar PV installations; and innovative financial instruments to reduce the cost of debt and scale up infrastructure investment.
The 71% of capacity which was not taken up in the previous tendering exercise has been rolled over into the new one by the state’s electric distribution company.
If India covers just one third of its major water reservoirs with floating solar installations, it could generate as much as 700 GW of solar power. However, it’s still early days for floating solar in the country, given the lack of technical experience and higher implementation costs.
The state’s second attempt to tender for 500 MW of capacity has made a mockery of predictions of rising PV electricity prices and exonerated utility for cancelling previous procurement round. But the absence of India’s cheapest solar energy generator from the latest exercise could be telling.
The International Financial Corporation will help the country’s government competitively tender the project, which is expected to be developed through a public-private partnership.
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