Gautam Mohanka, managing director of New Delhi-headquartered Gautam Solar, told pv magazine its Haridwar module factory, now scaled up to 250 MW, is producing panels with a power output of up to 400 W, using mono PERC and polycrystalline cells.
Australia’s University of New South Wales (UNSW) has built a reputation for strong collaboration with the PV industry, from cell passivation through to the causes of degradation. Malcolm Abbott, a senior research fellow, directs one of the UNSW teams that is continuing its work into light and elevated temperature-induced degradation (LeTID). He recently spoke with pv magazine to provide an update.
French start-up Ekwateur is offering a solar kit consisting of a 330 W panel, a micro-inverter, a metallic structure, a monitoring sensor, and a few cables.
Solar manufacturers who wish to apply for state cash to set up production lines must meet minimum requirements for manufacturing scale and module efficiency, and must produce at least solar cells and modules to be shortlisted. They will then bid for the amount of incentives they want over a five-year period, with extra weight given to applicants who will manufacture more of the supply chain, from polysilicon downwards.
French company Céléwatt energized its 250 kW ground-mounted array, built with mounting structures made of raw oak wood.
Israeli firm Airtouch Solar has landed a $7.6 million deal to deploy its water-free cleaning robots for the Indian developer’s three solar farms in Rajasthan.
The two new products will be part of the Hi-MO4m panel series for rooftop applications. Their efficiency ranges from 19.2% to 21.2%.
The new heterojunction panel series features an efficiency of up to 21.9 % and an operating temperature coefficient of -0.26% per degree Celsius.
Float glass manufacturer Gold Plus Glass Industry confirmed to pv magazine its plans to establish a solar glass factory with a capacity of 300 tonnes per day. The plant, located in south India, will be operational by September 2023.
The cell, which looks externally like a device with a two-terminal architecture, was built with III-V semiconductor layers that were connected to the silicon sub-cell on the atomic level. The cell may be used in electrically powered aircraft and drones.
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