Delta Electronics, which has been present in India for the last 20 years, recently launched its containerized data center solution in the country. With all subsystems such as UPS, power distribution, battery, cooling, and racks well integrated, this plug-and-play solution ensures rapid deployment for edge computing applications in the IoT world. On the occasion, pv magazine spoke to Rajesh Kaushal, vice president of Delta Electronics India, about their containerized data center solution, lithium-ion battery and solar inverter business, and future plans for India.
Bloomberg NEF says U.S. clean energy generation grew by 0.9%, with wind and hydro generation falling and solar generation growing 15.4%.
The 22 MWp floating solar project will be developed by SJVN with Hartek Solar as the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) service provider.
Wood Mackenzie says the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) in the Asia-Pacific region hit an all-time low in 2023, as utility-scale PV beat coal to become the cheapest power source. It predicts a further drop in costs for new-build solar projects, driven by falling module prices and oversupply from China.
The residential rooftop solar scheme provides a central financial assistance (CFA) of 60% of the system cost for 2 kW systems and 40% of the additional system cost for systems between 2 to 3 kW capacity. The CFA will be capped at 3 kW. At current benchmark prices, this will mean INR 30,000 subsidy for 1 kW system, INR 60,000 for 2 kW systems, and INR 78,000 for 3 kW systems or higher.
India has installed 180,796.35 MW of renewable energy capacity as of Dec. 31, 2023, including 73,318.49 MW (around 41%) from solar power projects.
The hydrogen plant will have an initial production capacity of 350 MW. Construction is expected to begin later this year.
Alternatives to lithium-ion batteries will likely emerge in the years to come, according to a new report by IDTechEx.
According to new figures from the Africa Solar Industry Association (AFSIA), the continent’s cumulative installed PV capacity reached 16 GW at the end of December, based on 3.7 GW of new annual installations.
Developing the solar market in India has been a multifaceted journey marked by commendable achievements and occasional challenges. While the government’s support has been instrumental in fostering growth, addressing the challenges, ensuring policy stability, and promoting technological innovation will be critical to reignite momentum and achieve India’s renewable energy targets in the coming years.
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