In order to contribute to India’s commitment to increase non-fossil energy capacity to 500GW by 2030, Coal & Lignite companies have planned to install additional 5,560 MW of renewable capacity with an investment of over Rs. 15,000 crore. This will take the total installed capacity to 7 GW. Coal India alone has planned to install 3 GW of solar Power in next 5 years to achieve its net zero target.
Since coal has to play a role of primary fuel for power generation in our country for the time being, till renewable source fully caters to our energy demand, Ministry of Coal, in line with the commitment, has already moved forward with a comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan. Action has already started for its speedy implementation. Emphasis is to put major thrust on Sustainable Development in coal mining, taking care of its environmental and social impact.
A full-fledged Sustainable Development Cell (SDC) in Ministry of Coal has been established to advice, mentor and plan action to minimise the adverse impact of mining. Apart from suggesting way-forward, its implementation and monitoring, SDC is also formulating future policy framework for environmental mitigation in Coal and Lignite sector of our country. Extensive work by Coal India Ltd. (CIL) and its subsidiaries along with Singareni Coal Company Ltd. (SCCL) & NLC India Ltd. (NLCIL) has already started, effect of which could now be seen in some of these mining companies.
In line with the commitment of our country to reduce the total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now onwards till 2030, Bio-Reclamation of mined out land has already been taken up on a big scale by all coal companies through massive tree plantation drive. In next five years target is to cover more than 12000 hectares of land for plantation which will help in having carbon sink potential to the tune of more than one lakh tonne per annum. Monitoring of such efforts is being done through remote sensing.
Use of LNG to substitute diesel consumption in mining and coal transport equipment has also been planned on a massive scale. Pilot Project has been initiated in one of the coal companies. This technology will be replicated shortly in coal transporting dumpers in the first phase for substantial reduction in carbon footprint.