Supported by Department of Science & Technology (DST), India Energy Storage-EV Technology and R&D Forum took place in Delhi on September 23. Gopalakrishnan S., Joint Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), inaugurated the session and briefed on how MeitY is promoting all startups in India including energy storage.
An MoU was signed between Meity Startup Hub (MSH) and IESA to support the startup ecosystem of the country.
Sanjay Bajpai, Head-Technology Missions Division, DST who chaired the session on ‘Vision setting for Indian R&D Ecosystem’ stressed upon the Mission Innovation program and its challenges in climate change. Dr. H Purshottam, CMD, National Research Development Corporation said that there’s no lack of funds by the Government to support the startups and this is the best time for the innovation and R&D. Sajid Mubashir, Scientist G, Department of Science & Technology (DST); Arvind Kumar, Group Coordinator & Scientist ‘G’, R&D in Electronics, MeitY; Dr Tata Narasinga Rao, Scientist G & Associate Director, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI); and Alan Greenshields, Chairman, Innolith AG were some of the eminent speakers in the forum.
The inaugural session at 3rd India Energy Storage & EV Policy Forum, 24th September, Delhi focused on ways to make India a global hub for manufacturing of advanced energy storage and EV systems. An insightful presentation was made by Aman Hans, Public Private Partnership Specialist, NITI Aayog. This was followed by panel discussion with Pankaj Batra chairing the session on energy storage system for stationary applications for grid balancing, RE support and energy access.
The Utility Roundtable focused on energy storage requirements for utilities to manage high integration of renewables and peak management, ancillary services, grid stability, the impact of EVs on utility and the role of utilities in charging infrastructure creation.
IESA organized India’s first Investment forum focused on Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle ecosystem in partnership with Haitong Securities on September 25, 2019 at Taj Santacruz, Mumbai. The event was a grand success with almost 50 investors (including institutional investors, family offices and angel investors) attending the event and gaining a better understanding of this fast-evolving ecosystem through interactions with industry leaders operating in this space.
The weeklong activities concluded with 2-day masterclass on advanced storage technology and manufacturing process on September 26 and 27 in Mumbai, in association with Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association. The discussion focused on advanced storage technology like lithium sulphur, batteries for EV applications, manufacturing of components associated with EV and EV market overview and policy aspects from India.
IESA president Dr Rahul Walawalkar said, “We’re overwhelmed by the response received from the industry during India Energy Storage Week. I would like to thank the policy makers, regulators, think tank, national labs, leadership council, members and our partners for their active contribution. The goal of IESW was to build awareness and realize the importance of energy storage in application areas including EV, renewables, and carbon emission reduction. We look forward to many more celebration on World Energy Storage Day next year worldwide.”