L&T Wins New Orders for Power Transmission & Distribution Business


The Power Transmission & Distribution (PT&D) vertical of Larsen & Toubro has won new orders in the Middle East and Africa for expanding and strengthening the electricity grids at high-voltage levels. The orders include implementation of an Energy Management System for country-wide electricity network.

One of the orders that the business vertical has won, is in consortium with a leading original equipment manufacturer to build the new National System Control Centre for Kenya. The transmission hub will manage the power flow in the country by integrating diverse generation sources and by despatching power based on merit order.

 The hub will be a crucial element in Kenya’s grid for ensuring stable, efficient and reliable operations in view of variable renewable energy sources getting added and the high-voltage regional interconnections being established. The scope also involves implementation of back-up energy management system at a distant location.

L&T will leverage its experience in executing transmission & distribution projects and the expertise in Digital Energy Solutions for this project.

In the Middle East, new orders have been secured for turnkey construction of high-voltage transmission lines in Saudi Arabia. Additional Gas Insulated Substation orders have been received in an ongoing power system expansion project in Qatar.


Larsen & Toubro is a USD 27 billion Indian multinational engaged in EPC Projects, Hi-Tech Manufacturing, and Services. It operates in over 50 countries worldwide. A strong, customer–focused approach and the constant quest for top-class quality have enabled L&T to attain and sustain leadership in its major lines of business for eight decades.