Lufft, Solarzentrum Stuttgart and Solare Datensysteme GmbH – Cooperation to promote professional PV monitoring


Malfunctions in PV systems are often left undetected for long periods of time. In many cases, this is due to inadequate or completely absent monitoring. In a world with many mature solar PV markets, why is the use of solar PV monitoring technology still so neglected today?

The answer may be as simple as a lack of education. If you look at the PV markets in countries with a high number of existing installations or strong PV growth, you can see that there is often a lack of information on the subject of solar PV monitoring. As a result, many industry professionals and plant owners are unaware of the consequences of poor or nonexistent monitoring.

Lufft, SZS, and SDS have joined forces to tackle this issue together. SDS offers the Solar-Log energy management system, one of the world’s leading solutions for PV monitoring, smart energy and feed-in management. Lufft successfully develops and sells high-quality, meteorological components in the field of sensor technology. These include spring sensors which provide data to determine how weather conditions affect the performance of PV systems.

The Solarzentrum Stuttgart is the professional when it comes to the precise inspection of PV modules for concealed damage. Using special technology, problems relating to PV modules can be detected, analyzed and remedied on the basis of monitoring data.

The goal of this cooperation is to communicate and promote professional PV monitoring through joint marketing efforts including co-sponsored events on topics like “PV system Quality”. The cooperation of the three companies has a positive effect on the further development and optimization of existing technologies. Through this synergy, issues that installers face can be simulated through tools like the open-air system at the Solarzentrum Stuttgart. New solutions can then be tested, leading the way to further advancements in monitoring technology.

Statements on cooperation

Silvia-Blumenschein-Schuetz, Solar-Log VP-Sales: “Professional and neutral PV monitoring is the basis for the efficient functioning of PV systems. Together with Lufft and the Solarzentrum Stuttgart, we can actively promote attention and awareness for professional monitoring in the PV market.”

Michael Reuter, Managing Director Solarzentrum Stuttgart: “Efficient and fast defect localization is the basis for successful troubleshooting and thus the most important step in securing the yield of your PV system. The interaction of the Solar-Log monitoring with Lufft spring sensors allows the prompt detection of reduced power, whereupon an electroluminescence measurement enables the localization of the defective modules.”

Udo Kronmüller, Sales Manager at Lufft: “This cooperation ideally strengthens our worldwide activities for professional meteorological monitoring of energy plants. The effects of weather and environmental influences on the yield of PV systems are still frequently underestimated. We want to change that.”