To be a successful company in the market, you need innovative products and solutions. But, regardless of how intelligent the solutions may be, if the customer feels like they are working in a labyrinth and are receiving too little support, then their initial euphoria quickly fades away.
At Solare Datensysteme GmbH, we make service and user-friendliness a top priority. This makes working with the Solar-Log energy management system much easier for the installer and portal operator. The ingenious service concept deals in detail with the individual product and service areas of SDS. Particularly noteworthy are training courses, webinars, and support for portal operators in PV Monitoring. These services simplify working with the Solar-Log WEB Enerest online portal or Solar-Log hardware and save a lot of time for users by creating a more efficient way of working.
Solar-Log WEB Enerest – Best Support From A to Z
The Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ presentations provides an overview of the intelligent functions of the online portal. Functions include system registration, system configuration, the system logbook with the integrated ticketing system, reporting, public visualization, and branding options with the dashboard. The training series also provides a detailed look at the portal subscription options which are M, L, and XL. So, if the installer or portal operator has opted for Solar-Log WEB Enerest XL, he will receive a detailed training which would cover all functions of the portal in detail. Pawel Jelinski, Area Sales Manager at SDS, is convinced, “The training concept for the Solar-Log WEB Enerest portal has proven to be very successful. Users learn step-by-step how to use the portal and make full use of its functionality.”
Solar-Log WEB-4U – The Solar-Log WEB Enerest Full Service
Customers who do not have the time to monitor their own plants can select Solar-Log WEB-4U. As part of the Solar-Log™ WEB-4U service, SDS experts proactively monitor PV systems for installers and portal operators. The webinar and training offered for Solar-Log WEB-4U explain the process in detail and is the first step for many installers and portal operators toward creating space for other important tasks. retec Merz GmbH from Donaueschingen (Germany) is one of the numerous companies with plants being proactively monitored by SDS. Oliver Wehrle, operation manager at retec Merz GmbH, says, “We tested Solar-Log WEB-4U and quickly realized how great a support the service is for us. We save the time it would take to monitor our customer’s plants, freeing up time for other areas of our core business. The professional monitoring of the systems is given by Solare Datensysteme GmbH.”
Solar-Log Hardware – Installation Made Easy
Regardless of its user-friendly design, a high level of professional knowledge is an advantage when installing and using the Solar-Log hardware. The special hardware training program from SDS deals specifically with the installation and the functions of the hardware. The hardware training consists of a series of online webinars with topics covering installation, configuration, monitoring, energy meters, feed-in management and smart energy, and on-site training (basic courses and practical workshops). Bartlomiej Susik, owner of Eko Prime, has been working with Solar-Log products for a very long time and is enthusiastic about the training program, “Thanks to the extensive training program of Solare Datensysteme GmbH, we are very familiar with the Solar-Log system. It brings the knowledge of all employees up to date again and again. This saves us a lot of time and enables us to deliver higher quality work.”