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Panasonic begins supply of prismatic-type automotive Li-ion batteries, unveils new storage solution in India

Panasonic’s Chinese factory has started the mass production and global supply of prismatic-type automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. Its Indian subsidiary, Panasonic India, meanwhile has launched a new energy storage solution, CBPS 8000, for telecom towers at the Elecrama 2018 exhibition, currently taking place in India.


US rejects establishment of compliance panel, disagreeing with India’s WTO claim

The United States blocks India’s request for a panel to investigate Indian compliance to solar cells ruling. Thus, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) has deferred the establishment of a compliance panel. Moreover, U.S. reserves its right to obtain WTO authorization to take countermeasures against India, but there is desire to find a bilateral resolution.

SC-Solar to ship 1.5 GW of module manufacturing equipment by March 2018

The leading automation equipment supplier installed 15 GW of module manufacturing lines worldwide in 2016, where 1.2 GW is installed in India.

Hitachi, Itochu, NEDO switch on PV microgrid pilot in India

Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has started operating a microgrid powered by a 1 MW solar array in western India.

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