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Uttar Pradesh

CEL tenders off-grid solar in 4 states

The hybrid solar plants (with battery bank) shall come up at 34 railway station sites in the 4 states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Assam and Bihar. Bidding closes on October 30.

SECI tenders 500 quantities of solar cooking systems

Bids are invited for design, supply, installation and commissioning of solar home cooking systems in five districts of different states (Meghalaya, Chhattisharh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat). Bidding closes on November 8.

Another bidding extension for 275 MW Uttar Pradesh tender

The state government has set a solar power target of 10,700 MW by 2022 and 23,500 MW by 2030. The latest extension by Solar Energy Corporation of India is second in line for the 275 MW project which was announced in August.

Jodhpur agrivoltaic pilot project replicated

Research institutes have moved quickly to emulate the successes observed in a test installation at Jodhpur as India races to meet an ambitious target of doubling agricultural income by 2022.


Indian renewables leaders split over need for regulation

While some of the industry insiders gathered at REI 2019 have made predictable calls to be free of the restrictions imposed by regulators, others maintained policy support is crucial and audience members voiced concern about India’s lack of recycling rules.


Trina opens trade show by announcing more than 4 GW of module shipments to India

The Chinese manufacturer claims to be the first company in the nation to supply that volume of solar modules. The news is unlikely to be welcomed by a government desperate to foster its own solar manufacturing sector.

SECI to supply almost 1.3 GW of clean power through deals signed in the last four weeks

With the power minister hinting a new renewable energy tariff policy could be in the works, the federal agency responsible for solar – which has come under fire after the latest delay to a troubled PV manufacturing tender – has boasted of the volume of clean power it has signed deals for recently.


REIL tenders for installation of 270 EV charging stations

The chargers will be set up in six cities (Agra, Bengaluru, Goa, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Shimla) and along Delhi-Jaipur-Agra-Delhi and Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai highways.

Uttar Pradesh tenders 16 MW of ‘Capex mode’ rooftop solar

Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) has invited bids for the setting up of about 16 MW of ‘Capex mode’ grid-connected rooftop solar power plants on government buildings in the state. Bidding closes on September 23.

Adani acquires Essel’s 205 MW solar assets for Rs1300 crore

The purchased solar portfolio is relatively young with average remaining PPA life of around 22 years.

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